Pretorius Wealth

How we work

What makes us different?

With an emphasis on strategic wealth planning, financial coaching and depth in our client support our holistic approach makes us one of the leading providers of wealth management in Portugal. One of our core aims is to help our clients find the perfect balance between today’s goals and tomorrow’s needs.

At Pretorius Wealth Solutions we pride ourselves on working towards a step change in the way we operate in the financial advisory industry. We have seen many practices and policies that have not been in the best interests of clients and have made it one of our mission objectives to forge a new path in delivering truly customer centric and holistic wealth solutions in the Portugal market.

As a member of the award-winning OpesFidelio Network, Pretorius Wealth Solutions is best placed to design and deliver a plan for every stage of your life, allowing you to identify your goals and finally realise the dreams that have been in the background far too long.

Our Network and credentials

We are proud to be associated with the award-winning OpesFidelio who are a network of EU based independent advisors. OpesFidelio is a trademark owned by Aisa Financial Planning Limited which trades as Aisa International outside of the UK. Aisa is based in the UK and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance and investment services (ref number 189652).

Aisa have Chartered Financial Planner status in the UK and have won numerous awards which are detailed on their website. Aisa International are regulated in the EU to give insurance advice under IDD and investment advice under MiFID.

The Aisa Group has an extensive history dating back to the mid-1990s. The network consists of a team of experienced financial advisors across multiple countries. We all run our own separate businesses within the network but share the same passion for truly independent transparent financial advice.

How we take care of your finances

Pretorius Wealth Solutions offer independent financial advice to individuals and businesses specifically designed around their individual circumstances.

We will help you to review your existing financial situation and reach a representative assessment of your likely needs. For this, you will need to put aside some time to talk to us - the first half hour consultation is free. There's no charge, and no obligation, whilst we assess whether it is worth going ahead.

Depending on your instructions we will then perform a 'needs analysis' built on your current situation, and taking a view of any plans or goals you may have. We will proceed to advise you on anything from a short term financial strategy to a lifetime financial plan, followed up with regular reviews.

Financial Planning process

1. Getting to know you

Determine your goals for your financial future and how we can help you achieve them.

2. Information Gathering

Confirm your current situation by completing a Fact Find as well as an Investment Risk Questionnaire.

3. Research and Analysis

Assess and identify any gap in achieving your desired objectives - create an action plan.

4. Presenting your Financial Plan

Discuss and explain our recommendations in line with your Financial Objectives.

5. Implementing your Plan

Complete all necessary documentation.

6. Ongoing Review

To adapt Plan if circumstances change and/or regular monitoring to ensure plans are continuing to meet Financial Goals.

You might like to look at our Life Stages guide, which could be helpful when considering various commitments and events during the phases of your life.